PBS Stands for the Public Buying Smart?

I came across this PBS website while researching impulse control and television viewing behavior in children.

That PBS, a television network, is essentially saying, “monitor your media consumption habits” is much like the tobacco companies sponsoring the “stop smoking” campaigns, I was hooked on this site until I clicked on almost every button.

While it is simple and aimed at kids, the quizzes were short and interesting. I designed a cereal box, identified the mystery in Totino pizza rolls and got a blast from the past playing “Hot or Snot”.

I’m happy to see this website (http://pbskids.org/dontbuyit/buyingsmart/) is out there and after you take a look, maybe you could suggest that your kid should too. Then maybe turn off the tv and the computer, the video games and the phones and give your brain a rest.

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